Level 45


FiZzY's Badges

Alpha Knight

Alpha Knight

Participated in the Alpha Test. "A knight from the days of old... before AdventureQuest 3D was even a game."



Founder of AdventureQuest 3D. Granted early access to closed-beta game releases.



Awarded to every hero who had a character during AQ3D's Pre-Beta testing phase!

Closed Beta

Closed Beta

Awarded to all players who took part in the closed beta of AdventureQuest 3D.

Open Beta

Open Beta

Awarded to the amazing players who took part in the Open Beta of AdventureQuest 3D.

Far Away

Far Away

You made it to the Breaking Benjamin show in the Battleon Arena!

I Made It Through 2020

I Made It Through 2020

I made it through murder hornets, natural disasters, zombie cicadas, and a global pandemic. This badge is 100% legit proof that I can handle ANYTHING.



You've crouched on the highest roof in New Battleon Town Square. It suits you.

Firezilla Challenge

Firezilla Challenge

You have gone to the lair of the giant monster known as Firezilla and you didn't even need a giant mech.

Shark Puncher

Shark Puncher

You've have honored the memory of Captain W. Peckard, the founder of Lolosia.

High Diver

High Diver

You're not scared of heights. It's hitting the ground really fast that scares you.

Little Dread Bested

Little Dread Bested

You faced Little Dread Riding Hood in single combat near her lodge in Darkovia Forest and proven that you're not a Lycan. At least... not yet.

What's up Dock?

What's up Dock?

On Pointe Less Isle, you'll never be board.

April Fools Day

April Fools Day

Visited the Dricken Cave during April Fools Day!

Tavern Patron

Tavern Patron

You're a regular at this tavern. Everybody knows your name.



Obtained from meeting and battling the mystical multi-dimensional, uni-berserker, War Bro known as Brutalcorn.

Greenguard Clawg

Greenguard Clawg

You have found the Greenguard River Clawg -- it looks delicious. Now, where can you find a barrel of melted butter?